Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Easter Sunday

Monday, April 16th, 2007

The girls ate so much candy the two Saturdays before Easter that we were able to enjoy a day “not about candy” on Easter Sunday. Matthew is still a “lactarian”, though it won’t be long before he’s expanding his personal menu.

As a photographer, I find it most challenging to photograph my own children. I am learning to just let them “be” and the photo opportunities will come. I haven’t resorted to too much bribery. They are so accustomed to seeing me with a camera, I don’t even get many eye rolls these days. I think my oldest would rather be looking into the viewfinder (a girl after my own heart) than in front of the lens.

{Just love this interaction. Wish I could remember what she was saying.}

{So is this how they see me? “CHEESE!” Funny thing is, I rarely ask them to say “cheese.” I usually just talk with them while shooting.}

{My little man. Daddy complemented M. on his new shirt. I think it is because it looks like one he’d wear . . . that is because Mom does all the clothes shopping around here!}

{Scamps & the girls. I love this one because it shows them being so gentle and kind to each other. Love these kids!! . . .and Scamps too.}


Monday, April 16th, 2007

Four children. One brunette. Two redheads, and one blonde. All with gorgeous eyes. I think it is their family trademark. There is something about their eyes that connect them as a family. I am captivated, and I loved capturing these shots:

{Quite the natural, H. has a great smile and is just a doll. I don’t think she minds being photographed one bit!}

{He told me he didn’t want his photo taken. So sister went first, and then he and I spent a little time talking about his favorite things, and . . .oops. I must’ve snapped a few. He eventually forgot this was a photo session 😉 }

{Beautiful Lil’ Sis– not interested in a photo session. Daddy just held her and talked to her while I watched for just the right moments. There were plenty.}

{Mom and sweet baby with brilliant red hair just like her big sister. Watch for more of this little one! We’re planning another shoot in the near future.}

Easter Treat

Wednesday, April 4th, 2007

Saturday we enjoyed a family picnic lunch and Easter egg hunt at the park. A few of the cousins were chompin’ at the bit, ready to fill their bags with goodies. (BTW, we missed those of you cousins who couldn’t make it. As you can see, the “loot” was well worth it!)

{. . . and we wonder how Easter became so commercialized?}

{Sweet A. demonstrates how fashion makes the transition from season to season . . .


{Now beginneth the drool. Note the little bead of drool on his left cheek. I could have easily “erased” it in Photoshop, but I have a feeling this will be his “stage” for the next several months. Let the truth be know. And yes, and his cheeks are that kissable. I smooch them all day long!}

Gotta Love It, Baby!

Saturday, March 24th, 2007

A fun session with out-of-state friends . . . so fun to catch up and also meet their newest addition {who’ll be turning ONE in the near future!}

{Can you believe this little guy’s gorgeous red hair and sweet dimpled chin? So cute!}

{hold on tight! Big sis helps to secure baby bro. for the shot.}

{fruit loop bribery . . . or sharing. Call it what you want! :) }

{all three kids in the same place at the same time- quite an amazing feat!}

BTW- this is what I call a “vintage tint.”

My Good Luck Charms

Monday, March 12th, 2007

Thought I’d share a few of the kiddos today. The green theme to complement St. Patrick’s Day.

{S- at almost 5 years is very anxious to wear green this Saturday. She has inventoried all clothing to make sure each family member has something green to wear. She was very concerned to discover that Dad does not have green clothing (except for his scout shirt). We get this daily reminder: “If someone pinches you and you are wearing green, you get to pinch them back TEN TIMES!” We’re thinking up a green menu for the day, as this has become a much anticipated holiday.}

{A- almost 3, playing leap-frog on the trampoline. This is out of character for her, as she is usually pretending to be a puppy. S- is her trainer.}

{M- the little guy . . . or not so little guy. 4 months old this week and a couple ounces away from 16 pounds. All of my babies follow this growth curve, so he’s right on track with his sisters. M’s good luck charm is his binky. This will be what he’s wearing for St. Patty’s.}