Archive for the ‘babies’ Category

A little about me . . .

Saturday, March 3rd, 2007

I am happily married the “boy next-door” ands we are parents to three beautiful children (as you can see, even their toes are gorgeous!).
I come from a family of artists: painters, furniture designers, musicians, actors, screenwriters, photographers, architects and teachers. (Yes, my family is that big! 9 kids in all). I am passionate/ obsessed about all things creative. I have been blessed with an abundance of opportunities to utilize my creative energy!
I must admit, I have been bitten by the blog bug. I have recently been inspired by several enlightening and worthwhile blogs and have finally decided to join in on the fun. I make no guarantees as to whether reading my ramblings will add to your life or even your day. I hope you will be pleasantly surprised, and if anything at least the photos will add a little interest. :)
So visit often, share your thoughts, and we’ll see where this takes us . . .