Archive for the ‘family’ Category

Right Back At Ya!

Monday, December 1st, 2008

{this little guy knows who’s boss around here–he’s pointing at his reflection in my lens!}

Thanks people for continuing to check out this often neglected blog. I have about 100 posts lined up in my head–even with photos to illustrate them, but alas, my time is more limited than ever. I consider my blogging time a luxury, which follows family time, church time & work time. Interestingly enough, at the end of the day it comes down to two choices: sleep vs. updating my blog. You can see who the winner in the past couple of months. I feel blessed with friends and family members who have checked in to see how things are going on account of my blog absence. Thank you. I have been more diligent with updating my tilt photography blog, in case you want to see more photo sessions.

As you may have noticed our updated family tree (see previous post). We’re so excited to be expecting a baby in the spring . . . May 7th is the due date. Almost half-way there and ever since Thanksgiving dinner my pregnant shape become more obvious! I guess my sister’s coconut cream pie really did stick to my ribs!

We have our 20 week ultrasound scheduled for next Tuesday. I think I’d be up for a surprise in not finding out the baby’s gender, but DH wants to know. We have our work cut out for us in naming this little one–A’s suggestion was “Crayon” but I’m thinking something else would be more appropriate. (Today she made another crayon comment- asking for the “naked crayon” meaning the red one with out the wrapper. I thought it was quite funny.)

We decorated our Christmas tree tonight, mostly following the lead of the kids who were so excited to pull ornaments out and string beads and hang anything with a string. It is amazing how many ornaments they remember from last year. They are sure growing up!

I hope to add more pictures soon of our latest adventures. Thanks for checking in!!

Thankful for . . .

Thursday, November 27th, 2008

In the Spotlight

Thursday, October 9th, 2008

Just got home from S’s school. Today she was in the spotlight and we were able to prepare a brief presentation all about her to share with the class. The two of us stayed up late last night going through pictures, reminiscing about different activities, discussing favorites, and sharing some sweet mother-daughter time. I love this girl!! A few things we documented about S:

{I’m Daddy’s girl. I was a special birthday present for my Dad.}

{A. is my little sister.}

{M. is my little brother.}

{My Dad is an engineer. My Mom is a photographer and artist.}

{“Andy” is my pet bunny. We let him out in our backyard sometimes.}

{A. has a bird named “Sparky” and he is a cockatiel with rosy cheeks.}

{My favorite foods.}

{I love to find bugs and play with friends.}

{I like to ride my bike with out training wheels and go on hikes.}

{I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up. Maybe a doctor, or firefighter, or a storekeeper, or maybe a photographer or an artist, or a librarian.}

{My favorite thing about first grade is math and recess. I love my teacher!}

{this one is from Mom. Love you, girl!}

Cheerio Popsicle Recipe

Sunday, August 24th, 2008

My creative children often surprise me by leaving culinary (experiments) creations in the freezer. One day I was getting some homemade popsicles out for the kids and I came across a unique concoction of cheerios and ice carefully disguised as a popsicle. I questioned the kids as to how it got there, and my sweet A. quickly claimed it as her own and proceeded to eat it.

So proud of her cheerio pop- A’s recipe: simply fill popsicle container 1/3 of the way with cheerios. Add water from the refrigerator dispenser and cheerios will float to the top. Insert handle and freeze until set. Enjoy. You may want to make more than one in case your family wants to sample one. I personally wouldn’t take one bite~ though the frozen cheerios probably taste better than soggy cheerios! Perhaps you could try filling up the holder with milk instead of water and enjoy breakfast on a stick in the morning!!

Adventures With a Family of 6

Thursday, July 31st, 2008

This shoot was a blast– when I saw the family pull up, I was truly giddy with excitement. They looked great and their darling daughters arrived ready for a fun family session with a side order of fashion photography. Their clothing choices were fun, spunky yet conservative and worked out great with our rustic location. I have to admit being hung up on this one–it was so hard to not post the whole bunch here– so I’ll just save some surprises for later!! Enjoy~

{my favorite wall in the entire planet! 😉 }

{she makes my job easy– natural beauty, I tell you!}

{blue eyes & beautiful smile . . . she’s stunning!}

{she has an awesome laugh and the most darling dimples!!}

{baby sis was so sweet and fun I had to post an extra for her!}

{a little urban texture action here– so FUN!}

{gorgeous mom with the most sparkly eyes ever!!}

{dad couldn’t escape the fun–I really like the GQ look here juxtaposed to the old shed door.}

{the girls with my “aged pecan” processing in adobe lightroom. This could also be an advertisement for studiocharm steaks, but many of you know that I’m a vegetarian, so they’d likely be tofu steaks and not very tasty. SO no steaks as part of your photo session, sorry folks!}

{I literally got goosebumps on my arms when I snapped this family shot in front of the red wall–even before I had seen the results. Something just “clicked” and it felt like an authentic moment was captured and preserved for this family. This is the high that photographers get once in a while–WAHOO!!}

{Last shot of the shoot- COWABUNGA! We all got a good laugh looking at the facial expressions on my viewfinder}.
Thanks H fam for such an adventurous, non-stressful shoot!! I am so excited to present your images to you!!

Happy Pioneer Day

Thursday, July 24th, 2008

Here’s a link to This is the Place Heritage Park


Saturday, May 31st, 2008

Yesterday we celebrated S.’s last day of school with a cozy book read in our big leather recliner. All three kiddos piled on the chair with me and we read the first three chapters of Charlotte’s Web. Snuggly and perfect? Yes. Until M. was completely bothered at having to share Mom with his two big sisters, and A.’s foot was in his face and then he and A. were just squabbling and crabby toward each other. Typical? Pretty much.

Then, to my sheer astonishment and utter surprise, M. held A.’s foot and said, “tickle, tickle, tickle.” Of course A. laughed and then we all laughed. We didn’t know M. knew how to tickle–but we continued to enjoy the rest of that chapter from that point on. Cute kids.

{This little guy is full of antics lately, I tell ya!}

Today was a busy day- we got the family up early and made the trip to Scoffield, UT to meet up at the cabin of a client of mine. We’ve been in the planning stages for a big project Big, as in very large scale and high up–yet I can work on it from home. What could it be? More details and pictures to come. I am excited to get to work on it. It will be spectacular!

I also tried and failed at my wannabe attempt as a National Geographic photographer. I don’t know how they do it–photographing wild, flighty animals with out being noticed. There were some lovely white pelicans on the Reservoir today. I thought surely they wouldn’t notice me sneaking across the muddy flats towards them– I only wanted to snap picture or two. But nooooo, they had to paddle away and then had the nerve to completely fly away to the other shore. C’mon, my lens is big . . . but am I really that threatening? Not so. The pelicans in my photos are so far away and tiny it is embarrassing, so I am not likely to post those pictures.

DH and I had a little better luck in shooting some pictures of the old, dilapidated buildings in the pseudo-ghost town that is Scoffield, Utah. (keyword: inanimate objects). It is a quaint little place with about 1/2 of a business open at one time. Don’t go there to find anything hustling and bustling . . . but if you’d like feel cool while driving on Myrtle Street this is your place. I spotted so many awesome backdrops I’d love to try with seniors or families or kids . . . only they’re a nearly two hour drive from here. Oh well.

Could It Be?

Monday, May 26th, 2008

It is no secret that photos are important to me. Perhaps my photography obsession in began the day I realized how few baby photos exist of me. I’ve got 3 from the day I was born, and about 2 or 3 more for the rest of my first year. There are more images of my older siblings . . . I think they must have used all of the Polaroid film up before my I was born. At about 8 years old I acquired my first camera and I’ve been making up for lost time ever since!

My Dad recently traveled to his home state of Texas. While there, he reunited with a brother he hasn’t seen for . . . hmmmm, 20 years (or more?). I have only personally met two of his siblings, and this particular uncle is one I have yet to meet. He also met a distant relative who is a lifelong photo enthusiast and genealogist (he also happens to be 91 years old and still driving!) This relative gave my Dad a disc of family photos of many generations of anscestors. Priceless!! So upon returning home, my Dad received a surprise package in the mail sent by his brother Frank. It was a family album, put together by my Grandmother! (I only met her one time before she passed away, and never really had any relationship with her). I didn’t know she even kept track of us, and yet here was the proof.

Yesterday I had the opportunity to look through this photo book with my Dad . . . there were so many images that were new to me (most of them before my time). I was floored to discover this little gem:

{Could this really be a baby photo of me? Yes! That is me at 6 weeks old with my cute 5 year-old sister Kim}

Along with many treasured photos, there were even a few homemade cards I had sent my grandma when I was a child. Wow. This photo makes me think: 1) My own babies were chubby like this at 6 weeks. 2) I always thought I was a bald baby and this photo would suggest otherwise. My babies were born with tons of hair . . . I never knew that was from my side of the family! 3) The serious-furrowed eyebrow look my kids give me can be traced back to me. 4) My Grandmother cared more about me than I thought she did. What a treasured photo!

Family is the essence of why I am a photographer. I feel such the sense of urgency to document and record life through my lens. Which images captured now will be treasured decades down the road? What stories will be remembered from the images I create? Hopefully plenty of them! Too many to count . . .

Mama Mia

Sunday, May 11th, 2008
Happy Mother’s Day to all, and especially to my Mother.

She is young at heart. Beautiful.
She used to carry me on her hip.
I quickly grew to be five inches taller than her.
She is an only child.
I am her seventh child of nine.
She is a grandmother to twenty-two.
Great-grandmother to one.
She is an artist.
Mom allowed me to get messy with paints, pastel chalk and fabric.
She allowed me to find my way.
Encouraged me to pursue my dreams. Still does.
She managed to find patience with me and all of my sassiness.
We’ve grown closer since I’ve become a mother.
I’m beginning to come to an understanding.
I still wonder how she did it.
So glad she chose to be a mother.
Thanks Mom. I love you.

Get the Snorter

Sunday, April 20th, 2008

So my 5D was showing a bit of dust and I read up on how to clean the image sensor. It is a bit intimidating to attempt cleaning it, as my camera manual lists about 3-DO’s and 10 DONT DO’s for this procedure. I heard of people using those little snot-suction things (intended for infants’ noses) to blow air on the image sensor as part of the cleaning. A $2 snorter sounded like a much better deal than a $25 kit. So, I bought a NEW snorter and proceeded to clean the image sensor inside my camera. The fam knows that THIS snorter is not to be used for noses–READ: FOR THE CAMERA ONLY.
A few minutes ago A. picked up the camera snorter and offered it to me kindly, saying, “Look . . . can you snort YOUR nose?” Aaacck! Do I need a snorter of my own? Hope not! Hope I never do! It just made for a good laugh.

{Silly girl.}