Archive for the ‘family’ Category

Tulip Festival at 19 Percent

Sunday, April 20th, 2008

So about the Tulip Festival at Thanksgiving Point . . .

For the last few weeks I’ve been daydreaming of the arrival of the beautiful tulips, flittering butterflies and the sweet smell of lilacs on the breeze. Truth is, springtime around here has been a slow poke. One day it is 80 degrees, the next day 40 and snowing. Yikes! For good reason, the tulips have been delayed– and I am no horticulturist, but I understand that it just isn’t prime tulip season. We only have one tulip bulb in our yard and it just bloomed. It was a tulip left over from the previous owners about 4 years ago. (Go figure?) Lacking in tulips, we rely upon the Gardens at Thanksgiving Point to fill that need.

So we waited all of last week to allow a little more time for the tulips to wake up. Friday was gorgeous weather and we could wait no longer. The receptionist at the gardens said the tulips were at about 19 percent. I figured that 19% of 250,000 bulbs still adds up to quite a lot. So we went.

There weren’t a whole lotta tulips YET. If you can imagine, there will be tulips by the bushel in a week or so. I did manage to get some fun shots nonetheless, and we enjoyed ourselves immensely. My mother was in town and helped to keep the kidlets in one place, allowing me to shoot away.

{My little photographer’s assistant: capturing her own piece of the tulip mania}

{Each one facing a different direction. Counting me, we’ve got the north-south-east-west covered! This is what I call “lack of posing” or “not willing to hold still.”}

{Thanks Mom for this shot of my handsome little guy and my wind-swept hair. I love M’s expression here!}

{My cutie pies at the fountain inside the secret garden. A. made a wish and plopped a coin into the water. S. did too- though her coin toss was too fast for me to capture! She asked me today with a tone of dissappointment, “Why didn’t my wish come true?” I urged her to be patient, as some wishes take a long time.}

{Welcome to the secret garden . . . I can’t show you everything inside, as it wouldn’t be a secret! I can say that I dream of having one of my own some day!}

{Mmmmm. Springtime.}

{M. crawling down the steep grassy hillside. Most kids rolled sideways, he just met it head on. Atta boy!}

{Grandma won M. over on this trip . . . he’s known for being quite the Mama’s boy, so it was a nice break for me!}

{Sweet girl- love this one!}

Sand Bags

Friday, March 28th, 2008

Today we’re getting the rest of the sand out of our bags- home from a week long trip to sunny San Diego. It is good to be home, and ’twas good to be gone. Being together as a family for seven days straight: wonderful. Having DH gone at work today reminds me how much I just love being with him. I already miss him.

I’ve got buckets of photos from our adventure that I am just thrilled about . . . and I photographed a wedding yesterday that I can’t wait to share too! I came home to a full voicemail box, about a million emails to respond to, and I and I am working on getting back to everyone. Boy, do I feel loved! 😉

{M’s first glimpse, touch, and feel of the ocean. He was mesmerized! I was too–can you tell?}

I promise, there’ll be plenty more to come. I just need to get back to “work” for the moment.

Time Well Spent

Tuesday, March 18th, 2008

Meet C & A- a beautiful, wonderful couple, expecting their first child in a couple of months. This shoot took place outside the Logan Temple in northern Utah. The weather cooperated perfectly, and it was great to be part of their special day. Aren’t they adorable?

{The LDS Temple in Logan, Utah– it is so amazing and historical!}

{This shot was by special request. I think she makes a great little pixie. :) }

To C&A, it was such a memorable day– thanks for inviting me to be a part of it!

Just stuff . . .

Saturday, March 8th, 2008

I just got back from Logan–I really enjoyed a fun family shoot there today . . . those pictures will have to come later. My family came along for the roadtrip . . . while I was at my shoot, my little ones went with the daddy-o to the local grocery store to buy rolls to feed the ducks at an icy pond all the while ignoring the slight snow/rain coming down. They were in heaven!

It has been a busy, busy week, and I am trying to play catch up. I am one of those crazy-busy people, and I do like it that way. The opportunity cost is that I have to work really hard to keep the balance in life. This is something I am not always great at, but it keeps me striving for something. I am thankful for a sweet family who has patience for me when I am ultra-focussed on work: photography/ art endeavors. I am thankful for clients who have patience for me when I have to take a moment to focus on family. I am thankful for good health, as we have had an abundance of sickness in our home for a month and we are all currently healthy* (*knock on wood). Just thankful.

{Valentine’s Roses . . . too many gorgeous colors to pick just one favorite}

Long overdue– a brief mention of a recent holiday. One of my husband’s shining moments was Valentine’s Eve when during a major blizzard (seriously, the craziest, windiest storm in the past decade around here) we dared go out and buy some candy for S’s class Valentines. DH went into one store for *something* while we stayed in the car. He thought we’d be there when he came back out. I thought I had communicated that we’d quickly go to the other store to buy the candy and come back. So off we went. Minutes later he exited the store to discover his family was MIA. My cell phone didn’t work inside the candy store, because apparently there were so many people stuck in the snow that the phone lines were overloaded. Just as we pulled out, I could see a figure walking across the parklot towards us. He was frosty, covered in snow and holding a beautiful boquet of roses. Wow! I am so glad he still gave me the roses after all of that trouble. 😉 He’s so good to me.

Finding Color in Winter

Sunday, February 24th, 2008

I am constantly on the lookout for great photo spots. During this winter season we’ve been blanketed in the color of white (which I do find beautiful) . . . but as the snow melts our whitescape becomes more muddy, gritty, grungy, brownish. Not so beautiful. So in search of some color, I recently noticed a couple of spots in the area that were calling to be photographed. I convinced my “middle model” to join me on an adventure, with the promise of picking out a treat at the end. {Please tell me most parents resort to bribing their children from time to time?}

{This darling crochet brown hat is from chloereese . . . I just ordered a couple of hats last week and I was anxious to get them. As I was ready to leave for this shoot, they magically appeared in the mailbox and I was delighted. I highly recommend this website for children’s hair accessories!!}

{A wonderful friend let me borrow her canon 70-200L f/4 lens for this shoot. I did enjoy it . . . and am even more hopeful that some day I may acquire the 70-200L f/2.8 IS lens. I did “try on” the f/2.8 recently and it was “beauty and the beast” all in one. The f/4 does have an appeal in being slightly less monstrous!}

{This one makes my heart flutter. She’s just gorgeous! Minutes after this she asked, “Can we go home yet?” Doesn’t she know this is as good as it gets?!?}

{Childhood. Imagination. Surreal. Great location, eh?}

More February Fun

Monday, February 11th, 2008

Here are some more photos from the past few days that I’m pleased to share:

{this one melts my heart!}

{just a doll!}

{M. knows I have a tendancy to lose my lenscap. He’s just making sure I keep it on!}

{She’s sure growing up! She has really been into styling her own hair this past week. She told me she wanted “bangs” the other day, so I clipped a few really subtle ones. This morning at breakfast she said, “I really like bangs.” She is such a little carbon copy of me at this age, I can’t believe it. Stubbornness and sweetness mixed into one!}

{We recently moved M. from his high chair to a booster seat at the table. Here he is letting us know that he’s done with dinner, even though we had just begun eating. He reminds me of a little cowboy here.}

{sassy lass!}

{these eyelashes were handed down from his maternal grandfather- my Dad.}

{My photography assistant! She is really loving her camera- and was so cute yesterday setting up a tripod and requesting that I be in a “photo shoot.”}

{Sweethearts! This was a very spontaneous shot, as you can see I am holding the camera at arm’s length. Please forgive the wide angle distortion! Photos of the two of us are lesser in number, so I have to insist on a few now and then. }

{my little snow people . . . we’ve had more snow than ever this winter and the kids know the routine of getting geared up to play outside. We currently have at least 18″ in the front yard!!}

Where Oh Where Has My Baby Gone?

Monday, February 11th, 2008

Who is this toddler and what have you done with my baby boy?!? M’s hair was growing long and kind of fuzzy in the back and he was looking a bit shaggy. I knew I’d have to cut it at some point, but knowing that when this happened his baby look would be immediately erased. Friday I finally had the nerve to go ahead and give him his first haircut.

{before the haircut}

{rocker baby hairdo- before the cut. Notice the lollipop distraction? This really did help!}

{almost there}

{fresh out of the bath- a clean-cut, sticky lollipop-free boy!}

{Ta da! I can’t believe how old he looks now!}

In church yesterday several people commented that M looks so grown up “these days.” Well, that just happened the day before when I clipped off his baby locks. Of course I saved a couple of locks of his hair. So long babyhood . . . well mostly.

S. asked me yesterday, “What are we doing to do with that hair? Make a wig?” (referring to the little clipped locks I set aside.

I told her it would only be enough for a Barbie wig!

DH said he was glad that I am now the official family barber- which is fine by me. I told him if we ever have another son, that he’ll have to be in charge of the boys’ haircuts. While growing up, DH’s father was the one who cut all of his boys’ hair. They’d avoid being the last one at the clippers, since the metal blades would get mighty hot by the end of the haircutting session! (He grew up in a family of 6 boys and 2 girls!) His dad even owned a barber chair and is still willing to give the grandsons a haircut now and then.


Where We Get Our Kix

Wednesday, January 30th, 2008

Ahhhhh, the sound of light fluffy balls of golden corn delicately bouncing on the wooden floor. I hear the rustle as hundreds of them are shaked from an upside down box onto the floor. I hear the crackle, as tiny toes pulverize them to cereal dust. This is where we get our kix. Got milk?

So the babe was responsible for the shaking and dumping, but it was big sister who left the pantry door ajar.

Here’s the discussion we all had while cleaning up the cereal mess:

A: “He’s a mean little guy.”

Me: “No he’s not. He just did what babies like to do, that is get into stuff. You left the pantry door open and that is how he got the cereal.”

A: “Oh.”

Me: “S. did this same thing with cheerios when she was a baby.”

A: “Was I the big sister then?”

Me:”No, you weren’t born yet.”

S chimes in: “They were still working on making your body.”

Me: “You were in Heaven waiting to come down.”

S: “This is going to take like an hour to clean up!”

Me (holding a large bowl filled with kix cereal): Who wants to eat this BIG bowl of cereal with a BIG spoon?

A: “I do!”

(I didn’t give it to her, by the way. She had eaten plenty by the time we had it all picked up.)

“I’m the baby and I endorse this message.”

{Brought to you by Kids In Xcess . . . KIX. I’m a bit disgruntled because they cleaned up all of my cereal. All that work!!}


Tuesday, January 29th, 2008

I have been sick the past few days- hence, the lack of accomplishing a whole lot. I finally went in to the dr. today and it turns out I have strep throat. Not a surprise to me. I opted for the shot of antibotics rather than the pill form (here’s the surprise, since I am really an anti-needle person). I am already feeling a little better. I will be posting more photos as soon as I have a chance and energy. :)

Canvas Delight

Monday, January 21st, 2008

A lovely treat was delivered today despite the snow storm that pounded us last night. Right on cue, these two canvases were delivered. One is for one of my wedding couples- I’ll be delivering it to them tomorrow . . . and the other is for me. They turned out absolutely perfect, and I will definitely be ordering through simply canvas again. In fact, I’ll am expecting about 25 of them next week, and I will post more canvas images as they arrive.

{Wow! This is going to be a stunning piece in their home- I love the modern look of the wrapped edges. We chose to wrap this in black.}

{Big baby face canvas = perfect for anywhere, especially the nursery! M. was happy to pose for me, as I wanted to illustrate the large scale of this 20×20 canvas.}

{Oooh, baby!}

{“Now who is that guy? He’s got some killer good looks, I tell ya!} — nothing wrong with a little self-adoration when you’re one year old.}

{detail shot of the gallery wrap- no need for a frame, ready-to-hang with hardware on back.}